Day: May 10, 2023

Tips and Tricks for Helping Your Dog with Mobility IssuesTips and Tricks for Helping Your Dog with Mobility Issues

Dogs, like humans, start to develop creaks and pains as they get older. Many have a harder time moving, and some lose the ability altogether. The problem may be due arthritis, hip dysplasia, or degenerative myelopathy (DM). They could also just be too fat or lazy to move.

While these issues might not always cause pain, they do limit their ability to move. Dogs with DM, for example, don’t suffer from pain, but they can’t move too well. They often need a dog wheelchair at some point to even get up.

You can use the following tips and tricks to help your furry friend get over their mobility issues and enjoy life.

Go all in with the bed: Forget fancy pads and cute blankies. They don’t help. Your dog needs something comfortable and supportive to ease their aching bones and let them sleep well. Ask the vet if they can recommend a good orthopedic bed for your dog

Put in ramps: If your dog takes forever to climb stairs, it’s time to put in a ramp. It keeps them up to their tricks while reducing the impact on their joints.

Think about supplements: Your vet might recommend joint supplements for some conditions. Please don’t give them your arthritis meds. Ask the vet what supplements are safe for your dog.

Give them a massage: A dog massage (it sounds weird, but there is such a thing) has the same benefits as a human massage. It can help improve mobility and reduce pain. You should get a referral from a professional or learn to do it yourself. How hard can it be, really?

Get the weight off: Overweight dogs often suffer from joint pain because of all the extra strain, making it harder for them to move. If your dog waddles or resembles a barrel, they’re probably too fat. Excess weight can also lead to other issues. Keep your dog on a vet-recommended diet to keep it healthy and mobile.

Think about pain meds: While dosing your dog sounds like a hoot, pain meds can really help reduce inflammation and pain. Get a script from your vet if necessary.

Get mobility aids: Dog wheelchairs and harnesses can go a long way to keeping the weight off your dog’s joints and muscles. They allow dogs with weak legs to move more freely, improving their strength and endurance. In some cases, wheelchairs may be a permanent solution to mobility issues.

These tips and tricks can help you manage your dog’s mobility issues and give them a new lease on life. However, consult with your vet before buying pet wheelchairs or putting them on a rehab program, just to make sure you’re not making their issues worse. Always monitor your dog’s progress closely.

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